Register for our “Conducting a Hands-on Nutrition Focused Physical Exam” workshop!

Join us on Saturday, December 7, for a workshop on conducting a hands-on nutrition-focused physical exam. The workshop will include:

Discussions on malnutrition characteristics and documentation
Discussion on Coding for Malnutrition
Hands-on experience to obtain NFPE skills:
Assessment for muscle wasting and fat loss
Assessment for functional status/hand grip strength
Assessment for fluid accumulation/edema

Workshop presenters and trainers include:

Jan Greer-Carney, MS, MBA, RDN, LD, FAND (core presenter)
Andrea Jackson, RD, CSO, LD (core presenter)
Cindy Tansek-Carroll, MS, RDN, LD, CNSC (hands-on trainer)
Kathy Burzynski, MS, RD, CNSC, CDE, LD (hands-on trainer)

Register by clicking here. Registration in advance is required.

Additional details:

The workshop will be at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, 789 Central Avenue, Cover, NH.

Check in starts at 8 am. The workshop begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:30 with a break for lunch. Breakfast and lunch included in registration fee.

Cost: $90 for Academy members; $150 for non-members; $30 for students

Questions? Contact us [email protected]

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New Hampshire Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics