We’re thrilled to share that the public hearing for NH HB 145, the Registered Dietitian Licensure Compact, was a success! The bill is now moving to subcommittee for further review and discussion—an important step in the legislative process.
This means our work is far from over! There are still several steps to take before this compact becomes law, and we’ll need your support again soon. Be sure to stay tuned, stay engaged, and be ready to help when the time comes!
Missed the hearing? You can watch the recording and see the impactful testimony delivered. We’re so proud of our incredible NH RDs who represented our us with poise and professionalism.
Special thanks to:
The RDs who gave testimony—your efforts have made a lasting impression!
The 55 individuals who signed in online and those who submitted written testimonies in person—your voices matter! Check it out here