NHAND Presents Bolster with RYDY Award

Elise Bolster received the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award for 2023. is the NHAND Public Policy Coordinator co-chair, 2022, and Nutrition Programs Manager for the New Hampshire Food Bank, 2019.

She oversees the Recipe for Success, Nutrition department which includes Cooking Matters®, SNAP Outreach and Application Assistance, NH Nutrition Incentives Network (Granite State Market and Double Up Food Bucks), USDA Summer Food Service Program sponsorship, along with the Leah’s Pantry Nutrition Pantry Program that is being established to provide client centered approaches and trauma informed practices for the NHFB network.

In addition, Elise works to establish nutrition related initiatives and policies within the organization that support the overarching mission to feed the hungry while promoting health and preventing disease.

Elise is passionate about securing food and nutrition access for NH communities and values organizational partnerships that help maximize community outreach, local food access, and nutrition education. Prior to her current role, Elise completed her dietetic internship from UNH in 2017 and served as a Cooking Matters AmeriCorps National Direct Member from 2017-2018 at the New Hampshire Food Bank.

Elise Bolster