St. Martin Honored with 2023 Maggie Terninko Award

Sue St. Martin has been involved with the NHAND Board since 2017 as a State Policy Representative for 3 terms and most recently with the Professional Development Committee. A highlight of her board service and advocacy includes establishing an annual Legislative Day where New Hampshire RDs and DTRs connect with NH State Senators and Representatives in Concord for a morning of networking and connecting on important food and nutrition initiatives.

Sue is a proud alumna of both Northeastern and UNH, fulfilling her dietetic internship with respected and cherished professors at UNH. She remains particularly inspired by the teachings of Dr. Gale Carey, Dr. Joanne Burke and Dr. Colette Jansen-Sand.

Sue stays connected to UNH as a preceptor for 2nd year MSDI students and is enthusiastic about fostering new food and nutrition professionals.

As a private practice registered dietitian in Exeter NH, Sue has a passion for supporting and collaborating with individuals who are healing from disordered eating, eating disorders and navigating non-complex nutrition diagnoses.

While becoming an independent business owner/founder of Fig Nutrition LLC Sue worked at Inventive Labs, Amesbury MA and Reflections Outpatient Eating Disorder Center in Salem NH. Being a food enthusiast, forever learner, and a “local” who grew up on a small working farm in the NH seacoast area, Sue also enjoyed her time as an assistant cheesemaker for Bell & Goose Cheese, South Hampton, NH. Here she participated in and bore witness to the powerful impact of our unique NH food systems, farmers, makers and markets that feed people from all over New England. These and ongoing experiences fuel her personal and professional advocacy to amplify the expertise and voices of RDs and DTRs while caring for vulnerable NH citizens.

Susan St. Martin