Take a minute to tell NH legislators you support important SNAP programs in New Hampshire!

Show your support for Granite State Market Match and Double Up Food Bucks NH!

Things are moving quickly and SB 98-FN – which would provide state funding for these invaluable SNAP incentive programs – has a scheduled public hearing in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Wednesday, February 3 at 9AM!

There are two ways you can help:

  1. If you can, please submit a letter of support for the bill by Tuesday evening. Attached is a template to get you started which should be edited to reflect your/your organization’s personal views/experiences. Letters can be sent to Rebecca Woitkowski of New Futures for submission. Please also share this far and wide to garner as much support as possible. The more letters we have the better!

2. Use this link to sign in to register your position on a bill. You can also submit testimony. Detailed instructions on how to sign-in in support of the bill can be found here. You can sign in support and submit written testimony now and until 8:30 AM on Wednesday. If you want to join the hearing as a supporter, you can go to the link provided below in details from Rebecca. It will be good for us to have as many people as possible show up for the hearing in support of the bill. 

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